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OpenFACS: An Open Source FACS-Based 3D Face Animation System

Abstract: We present OpenFACS, an open source FACS-based 3D face animation system. OpenFACS is a software that allows the simulation of realistic facial expressions through the manipulation of specific action units as defined in the Facial Action Coding System. OpenFACS has been developed together with an API which is suitable to generate real-time dynamic facial expressions for a three-dimensional character. It can be easily embedded in existing systems without any prior experience in computer graphics. In this note, we discuss the adopted face model, the implemented architecture and provide additional details of model dynamics. Finally, a validation experiment is proposed to assess the effectiveness of the model.


Cuculo, V.; D'Amelio, A. "OpenFACS: An Open Source FACS-Based 3D Face Animation System" Image and Graphics, vol. 11902, Beijing, pp. 232 -242 , 2019, 2019 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34110-7_20

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