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Research projects

MINERVA - High-level specialised application support service in HPC-powered Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Duration: 01/11/2024-01/11/2027

Project Number: 101182737

Funded by: EU HORIZON

Project type: DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2023-AISC-03

ix Studio - Interactive experience video self Studio

Duration: 01/08/2024-30/04/2025

Funded by: Doxee S.p.A.

Project type: Commercial

STORE - Shared daTabase for Optronics image Recognition and Evaluation

Duration: 01/12/2023-30/11/2026

Funded by: EU Commission

Project type: EDF EU

MUCES - a MUltimedia platform for Content Enrichment and Search in audiovisual archives

Duration: 30/11/2023-30/11/2025

Funded by: MUR

Project type: PRIN PNRR

ELIAS - European Lighthouse of AI for Sustainability

Duration: 01/11/2023-31/08/2027

Project Number: 101120237

Funded by: EU HORIZON

Project type: HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-02

B-FAIR - Bias-Free Artificial Intelligence methods for automated visual Recognition: detecting human prejudice in visual annotations and mitigating its effects on models’ learning (B-FAIR)

Duration: 01/10/2023-30/09/2025

Funded by: MIUR PRIN Program

MUSMA - Multimedia Understanding meets Social Media Analysis

Duration: 28/09/2023-28/09/2025

Funded by: MUR

Project type: PRIN

FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research

Duration: 01/01/2023-31/12/2025

Project Number: PE00000013

Funded by: MUR - Italian Ministry of University and Research

FIT4MEDROB - Fit for Medical Robotics

Duration: 01/12/2022-31/05/2026

Funded by: MUR - Italian Ministry of University and Research

Project type: PNRR IR

ITSERR - Italian Strengthening of Esfri RI Resilience (ITSERR)

Duration: 01/12/2022-30/11/2025

Funded by: MUR - Italian Ministry of University and Research (NextGenerationEU)

Project type: PNRR IR

EcosistER - EcosistER - Ecosistema Territoriale di Innovazione dell’Emilia-Romagna

Duration: 01/10/2022-01/10/2025

Funded by: MUR

ELSA - European Lighthouse on Secure and Safe AI

Duration: 01/09/2022-01/09/2025

Project Number: HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-03

Funded by: European Union (EU)

Project type: Horizon Europe

VEDI - Valore Estratto Dalle Immagini

Duration: 17/06/2022-17/06/2023

Funded by: Datalogic

Project type: Commercial

PRIN 2020
LEGO.AI - LEarning the Geometry of knOwledge in AI systems

Duration: 01/06/2022-01/06/2025

Project Number: MIUR_PRIN 2020

Funded by: MIUR - Ministero Istruzione UniversitĂ  e Ricerca

CREATIVE - CRoss-modal understanding and gEnerATIon of Visual and tExtual content

Duration: 01/06/2022-01/06/2025

Project Number: MIUR_PRIN 2020 2020ZSL9F9

Funded by: MUR - Italian Ministry of University and Research

Project type: PRIN (National Interest Research Project)

Quality Enhancement and Watermarking for Historical Images

Duration: 01/06/2022-01/06/2023

Funded by: Memooria Srl

Project type: Commercial

ROADSTER - ROAd Digital Sustainable Twins in Emilia-Romagna

Duration: 01/01/2022-28/02/2023

Funded by: iFAB - International Foundation Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development

Project type: Regional


Duration: 01/06/2021-31/08/2022

Funded by: EU commission

Project type: Europeo

Post-processing of wall and floor pose recognition and identification

Duration: 07/02/2021-07/09/2022

Funded by: Maticad Srl

Project type: Commercial


Duration: 01/02/2021-31/01/2026

Project Number: 965193

Funded by: European Commission

Project type: Horizon 2020

PERSEO - European Training Network on PErsonalized Robotics as SErvice Oriented applications

Duration: 01/02/2021-

Funded by: EU - Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Curie grant agreement

Visual Analysis of Operators-Machinery Interaction

Duration: 03/01/2021-03/01/2022

Funded by: Tetra Pak

DDGan - High Resolution Generative Design

Duration: 03/01/2021-03/01/2022

Funded by: Digital Design srl

PEARL - New technology for magnetic fixation of hides in frame drying processes

Duration: 15/12/2020-15/04/2021

Funded by: Feltre

HumanE-AI-Net - European Network of Human-centered Artificial Intelligence

Duration: 01/09/2020-01/09/2023

Funded by: EU - Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Inter-Homines - Inter-Homines - Distance-based risk estimation for human safety

Duration: 04/06/2020-

Funded by: Regione Emilia-Romagna

MAIIS - Multidisciplinary AI Italian Skills

Duration: 01/06/2020-01/06/2022

Funded by: AISI PCM

Project type: Nazionale

InSecTT - Intelligent Secure Trustable Things

Duration: 01/06/2020-31/05/2023

Funded by: Horizon 2020-EU.

Project type: ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU)


Duration: 01/04/2020-31/05/2022

Funded by: IMA Group

NVAITC@UNIMORE - NVIDIA AI Technology Center at Unimore

Duration: 16/01/2020-

Project type: UNIMORE and NVIDIA collaboration for research purposes

ToscanaLife science
Human monoclonal antibodies against Shigella (ShiMabs), for therapy and vaccine acceleration

Duration: 01/01/2020-31/12/2023

Funded by: TLS - Toscana Life Sciences

ADAL - Automatic Detection of Abattoir Lesion

Duration: 01/01/2020-

Funded by: Farm4Trade

AIDEO - AI for Earth Observation AIDEO

Duration: 01/01/2020-

Funded by: European Space Agency (ESA)

SUPER - Supercomputing Unified Platform

Duration: 18/12/2019-18/06/2022

Funded by: Regione Emilia-Romagna

Project type: POR-FESR 2014-2020 - Ricerca Industriale e Trasferimento Tecnologico - Regione E.R.

YNAP AI LAB@UNIMORE - YNAP Artificial Intelligence Lab@UNIMORE

Duration: 01/11/2019-31/10/2022

Funded by: Yoox Net-A-Porter

Project type: Joint Research Program

PREVUE - Prediction of activities and Events by Vision in an Urban Environment

Duration: 01/09/2019-01/09/2022

Project Number: 2017N2RK7K

Funded by: Ministero dell'UniversitĂ  e della Ricerca

Project type: PRIN: Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale

Visual Analysis of Operators-Machinery Interaction

Duration: 01/06/2019-01/06/2020

Funded by: Tetra Pak

Arrowhead Tools - Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions

Duration: 01/05/2019-01/08/2022

Computer Vision for Real-Time Obstacle and Anomaly Detection on Railway

Duration: 28/01/2019-28/01/2020

Funded by: Rete Ferroviaria Italiana

Project type: Ricerca

DeepHealth Logo
DeepHealth - Deep-Learning and HPC to Boost Biomedical Applications for Health

Duration: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021

Project Number: 825111

Funded by: European Union

Project type: Horizon 2020

AI4CH - AI4CH - Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage

Duration: 20/12/2018-20/12/2021

Funded by: MAECI

Project type: National Project

IDEHA - IDEHA - Innovation for Data Elaboration in Heritage Areas

Duration: 01/11/2018-30/04/2022

Funded by: MIUR

Project type: PNR

DIVA - Data Acquistion and Benchmarking for Human Behavior Understanding and Action Analysis

Duration: 01/11/2018-

PRYSTINE - Programmable Systems for Intelligence in Automobiles

Duration: 01/05/2018-30/04/2021

Funded by: Ecsel JU

RedVision - RedVision Lab

Duration: 26/02/2018-26/02/2021

Funded by: Ferrari SpA

Project type: Commerciale

AI for Digital Humanities

Duration: 15/01/2018-

Funded by: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena


Duration: 01/12/2017-

Funded by: MIUR

Project type: Cluster Nazionale

example proxemics
COSMOS - COntactlesS Multibiometric mObile System (in the wild)

Duration: 01/03/2017-01/03/2020

Funded by: MIUR

Project type: PRIN 2015

Logo Cineca
ISCRA - Cineca SuperComputing Resource Allocation

Duration: 06/12/2016-06/08/2017

VOILAP - Augmented reality catalogue - Sviluppo di tecnologie abilitanti per processi produttivi complessi per rappresentazione della realta' attraverso ambienti virtuali 3D web based

Duration: 01/11/2016-31/10/2017

Project type: Commerciale

Facebook AI Research logo
FAIR - Facebook AI Research Partnership

Duration: 01/08/2016-

Funded by: Facebook

human-car interaction
DAFar - DriverAttention - Monitoring the car driver’s attention with multisensory systems, computer vision and machine learning

Duration: 01/07/2016-01/01/2018

XDOCS - Indexing of Historical Handwritten Documents

Duration: 01/07/2016-01/01/2018

Funded by: SATA srl and Emilia-Romagna

SACHER - Smart Architecture for Cultural Heritage in Emilia Romagna. Piattaforma Innovativa di gestione dei BBCC tangibili per l'Industria Culturale e Creativa

Duration: 01/04/2016-31/03/2018

Funded by: Regione Emilia Romagna

Project type: Progetto Regionale

Logo Jump jpg
JUMP - Una piattaforma sensoristica avanzata per rinnovare la pratica e la fruizione dello sport, del benessere, della riabilitazione e del gioco educativo

Duration: 01/04/2016-01/06/2018

Project Number: PG/2015/726369

Funded by: Regione Emilia Romagna

Project type: Regionale

logo vaex
VAEX - Vision for Augmented Experience

Duration: 15/10/2014-15/10/2016

Funded by: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Modena

HAxIA - Study of new tools and techniques of Human Augmentation for Industrial Assistance

Duration: 01/09/2014-01/09/2016

Funded by: Spin srl

Project type: Commercial

Logo Cittŕ Educante
Città Educante

Duration: 03/03/2014-02/03/2017

Project Number: CTN01_00034_393801

Funded by: Miur - Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e CompetitivitĂ  2007-2013

Project type: Cluster Nazionale

Logo 3D Vessel Reconstruction
ADVANCE - Automatic Detection of VAscular Networks for Cancer Evaluation

Duration: 01/01/2014-31/12/2016

Project Number: 621015

Funded by: Unione Europea

Project type: Progetto Europeo

Diagnoptics - Diagnosis of skin cancer using optics

Duration: 01/12/2013-30/11/2016

Project Number: 621066

Funded by: ICT Policy Support Programme - Unione Europea

Project type: Progetto Europeo

logo dog
A computer vision system for the evaluation of the behaviour and the well-being of the dogs housed in the shelter

Duration: 01/11/2012-30/11/2014

Project Number: IZS AM 01/11RC

Funded by: Ministry of Health

Project type: National Research Project

DICET - DICET - INMOTO - ORganization of Cultural HEritage for Smart Tourism and Real-time Accessibility (OR.C.HE.S.T.R.A.)

Duration: 01/11/2012-30/05/2015

Funded by: Il Programma Operativo Nazionale

buprshop logo
Microlog - A People Counting System for Business Analytics

Duration: 01/10/2012-31/12/2013

Funded by: Microlog srl

logo florimage quadrato
FlorImage - The Floor is an Image

Duration: 01/09/2012-31/12/2012

Funded by: Florim S.p.A.

Project type: Commerciale

Safety@Modena - Multiple Camera Cooperation for Group Detection and zooming

Duration: 01/01/2012-30/06/2013

Funded by: Comune di Modena

Cyberstalking - logo
CyberStalking - Stalking, cyberspace and young people

Duration: 01/12/2011-31/12/2014

Funded by: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena

Project type: Ricerca Internazionale - FCRM 09/10

ViSERaS - Video surveillance in Emilia Romagna as a Service

Duration: 02/12/2010-02/06/2011

Funded by: LEPIDA Spa

Project type: Bando Lepida

CIMA - Machine for counterfeit banknote detection

Duration: 30/09/2010-30/09/2011

Funded by: CIMA Group Spa

Project type: PRRIITT

This - logo quadrato
THIS - Transport Hub Intelligent Video System

Duration: 11/12/2009-10/12/2011

Project Number: JLS/2009/CIPS/AG/C1-028

Funded by: European Commission

Project type: JLS - CIPS

Rerum Novarum - Interactive Exploration of Illuminated Manuscripts

Duration: 26/04/2009-26/04/2011

Funded by: Franco Cosimo Panini S.p.a. and Regione Emilia Romagna

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BESAFE - Behavior lEarning in Surveilled Areas with Feature Extraction

Duration: 18/04/2007-18/03/2009

Project Number: SfP 982480

Funded by: NATO Science for Peace programme

Project type: NATO Science for Peace

VidiVideo - logo
VidiVideo - Interactive semantic video search with a large thesaurus of machine-learned audio-visual concepts

Duration: 01/02/2007-31/01/2010

Project Number: IST-045547

Funded by: European Union

Project type: EU - FP 6

Logo freesurf
FREE SURF - FREE SUrveillance in a pRivacy respectFul way

Duration: 01/01/2007-31/12/2008

Funded by: PRIN - Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research

Project type: PRIN 2006

LAICA - Laboratorio di Ambient Intelligence per una CittĂ  Amica

Duration: 01/01/2004-31/12/2006

Funded by: Iniziativa 1.1 del Piano Telematico Regionale - Regione Emilia Romagna

Project type: Regione Emilia-Romagna nell'ambito Iniziativa 1.1 del Piano telematico regionale

DxD - Domotica Per Disabili

Duration: 01/09/2003-01/09/2004

Funded by: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena

Project type: Commercial

VOAR - Computer Vision for Obstacle and Anomaly Detection on high-speed Railways
Modena SmartArea
Marchesini - System for bin picking using 3D and 2D video feeds

Funded by: Marchesini Group Spa

CantieriBridge - Security and Surveillance in Construction Working Sites

Funded by: Bridge 129