University of Modena and Reggio Emilia at TRECVID 2006
Abstract: What approach or combination of approaches did you test in each of your submitted runs?TRECVID2005_UNIMORE_??.xml: the same linear transition detector (LTD) was tested forevery run, with ten uniformly spaced thresholds for the detection.What if any significant differences (in terms of what measures) did you find among theruns?The system behaved as expected: the higher the threshold the better the recall. Of course theprecision lowered correspondently. Interesting enough, it seems that we cannot overcome theoverall limit around 80% for recall and 88% for precision, independently of the other parameter.Based on the results, can you estimate the relative contribution of each component of yoursystem/approach to its effectiveness?One of the main objective of our system was to test the performance of a single algorithm forboth cuts and gradual transitions. So all the merit and the demerits are related to our LTD.Overall, what did you learn about runs/approaches and the research question(s) thatmotivated them?The use of a single algorithm allows the system to be run without training. Just a singleparameter may be employed to tune the sensibility of the system, thus allowing its use in generalpurpose/user friendly systems.
Grana, Costantino; Vezzani, Roberto; Cucchiara, Rita "University of Modena and Reggio Emilia at TRECVID 2006" 2006 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Notebook Papers and Slides, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, pp. - -- , Nov 13-14, 2006
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