An image analysis approach for automatically re-orienteering CT images for dental implants
Abstract: In the last decade, computerized tomography (CT) has become the most frequently used imaging modality to obtain a correct pre-operative implant planning. In this work, we present an image analysis and computer vision approach able to identify, from the reconstructed 3D data set, the optimal cutting plane specific to each implant to be planned, in order to obtain the best view of the implant site and to have correct measures. If the patient requires more implants, different cutting planes are automatically identified, and the axial and cross-sectional images can be re-oriented accordingly to each of them. In the paper, we describe the defined algorithms in order to recognize 3D markers (each one aligned with a missed tooth for which an implant has to be planned) in the 3D reconstructed space, and the results in processing red] exams, in terms of effectiveness and precision and reproducibility of the measure.
Cucchiara, Rita; Lamma, E; Sansoni, T. "An image analysis approach for automatically re-orienteering CT images for dental implants" COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS, vol. 28, pp. 185 -201 , 2004 DOI: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2003.12.004not available