DOCART900: A web application for Cutural Heritage
Abstract: This work aims at the development of a web application for cultural heritage purposes: an innovative tool for searching and browsing digital libraries of artistic and literary documents. The project performs a critical access to contemporary archives of documents related to well-known 19th and 20th centuries art historians. The system has been designed and implemented by MICC and Fondazione Memofonte, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, University of Florence and University of Udine.
A., Del Bimbo; A., Ferracani; L., Landucci; Serra, Giuseppe "DOCART900: A web application for Cutural Heritage" Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. EVA 2013 Florence, Florence, Italy, pp. 1 -6 , 20 may 2013, 2013not available