Enriching and Localizing Semantic Tags in Internet Videos
Abstract: Tagging of multimedia content is becoming more and more widespread as web 2.0 sites, like Flickr and Facebook for images, YouTube and Vimeo for videos, have popularized tagging functionalities among their users. These user-generated tags are used to retrieve multimedia content, and to ease browsing and exploration of media collections, e.g.~using tag clouds. However, not all media are equally tagged by users: using the current browsers is easy to tag a single photo, and even tagging a part of a photo, like a face, has become common in sites like Flickr and Facebook; on the other hand tagging a video sequence is more complicated and time consuming, so that users just tag the overall content of a video. In this paper we present a system for automatic video annotation that increases the number of tags originally provided by users, and localizes them temporally, associating tags to shots. This approach exploits collective knowledge embedded in tags and Wikipedia, and visual similarity of keyframes and images uploaded to social sites like YouTube and Flickr.
Lamberto, Ballan; Marco, Bertini; Alberto Del, Bimbo; Serra, Giuseppe "Enriching and Localizing Semantic Tags in Internet Videos" Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia, vol. Proc. of ACM Multimedia, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, pp. 1541 -1544 , November 28th and December 1st, 2011, 2011 DOI: 10.1145/2072298.2072060not available