Semantic annotation and retrieval of video events using multimedia ontologies
Abstract: Effective usage of multimedia digital libraries has to deal with the problem of building efficient content annotation and retrieval tools. In this paper multimedia ontologies, that include both linguistic and dynamic visual ontologies, are presented and their implementation for soccer video domain is shown. The structure of the proposed ontology itself, together with reasoning, can be used to perform higher-level annotation of the clips, to generate complex queries that comprise actions and their temporal evolutions and relations and to create extended text commentaries of video sequences.
Bagdanov, A; Bertini, M; DEL BIMBO, A; Serra, Giuseppe "Semantic annotation and retrieval of video events using multimedia ontologies" Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Irvine CA, usa, pp. 713 -720 , September 17-19, 2007, 2007 DOI: 10.1109/ICSC.2007.30not available