Rilascio di applicativi per aumentare il livello tecnologico degli allevamenti e la salute degli animali
Abstract: Farm4trade is an Italian startup that develops high-tech systems for the breeding of production animals and for animal health in general. Among the applications developed there are computer vision systems that take advantage of machine learning. Among these the most important are Photo Animal Identification (PHAID) and Automatic Detection of Abattoir Lesions (ADAL). In the case of these computer vision systems, the business challenge is to release into production to maximize application use to the company clients and to obtain predictions and overall results in real time. These systems must also seamlessly integrate with all business solutions and deliver information to third-party systems. The research work led to making important decisions with respect to the deploy technique of the systems that aimed to the business needs for efficiency and scalability. For the deployment, an MLOps approach was introduced for the integration of Machine Lerning models with CI / CD and DevOps technologies and the IT stack of corporate web solutions. The release of Machine Learning systems according to the model used was found to be efficient and responsive to business needs. All the models make inference in real time and are capable of transmitting information through the API to corporate systems and those of third parties. We expect to improve the MLOps model through the development of web solutions that are increasingly aimed at integration with the ML model that the various applications require.
DEL NEGRO, Ercole "Rilascio di applicativi per aumentare il livello tecnologico degli allevamenti e la salute degli animali" 2022
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