1. Person - Kind of person, appearance, age, sex
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
1.Adult |
Shots showing a person over the age of 18. |
182 |
181 |
False |
2.Agent |
Secret service agents. Presidential bodyguards. |
183 |
182 |
False |
3.Aggressor |
462 |
461 |
False |
4.Armed_person |
Any person carrying a weapon. |
117 |
116 |
False |
5.Asian_people |
people of asian ethnicity |
247 |
246 |
False |
6.Baby |
images of babies (children that are tooyoung to walk) |
248 |
247 |
False |
7.Backpackers |
people who are carrying a backpack |
249 |
248 |
False |
8.Beggar |
Beggars are defined as people who are asking for money on the streets, panhandlers |
256 |
255 |
False |
9.Boy |
One or more male children. |
184 |
183 |
False |
10.Caucasians |
People of Caucasian descent/ethnicity |
272 |
271 |
False |
11.Child |
images of children |
274 |
273 |
False |
12.Civilian_person |
One or more persons not in the armed services or police force. |
106 |
105 |
False |
13.Dangerous |
Dangerous Object |
1013 |
False |
14.Dark-skinned_people |
People who are dark skinneddue to African or african/american descent(ethnicity) |
259 |
258 |
False |
15.Dead_Bodies |
One or more dead bodies. |
193 |
192 |
False |
16.Female_person |
One of more female persons. |
104 |
103 |
False |
17.Fighter_combat |
Shots showing military fighterplanes engaged in combat missions. |
179 |
178 |
False |
18.Firefighter |
A person whose job it is to extinguish fires. |
118 |
117 |
False |
19.FrequentVisitor |
Person visiting the same place very frequently |
1012 |
False |
20.Girl |
One or more female children. |
185 |
184 |
False |
21.Glasses |
people wearing regular (non-tinted)glasses |
315 |
314 |
False |
22.Ground_combat |
Soldiers engaged in fighting onthe ground. |
201 |
200 |
False |
23.Guard |
Any non-military guard or watchman. |
137 |
136 |
False |
24.Hispanic_person |
620 |
619 |
False |
25.Indian_person |
636 |
635 |
False |
26.Individual |
Shots showing only one person. |
181 |
180 |
False |
27.Infants |
pictures of infants, are children that are barely walking [separate from babies] |
327 |
326 |
False |
28.Intruder |
Person entering a zone without permission |
1015 |
False |
29.Launcher |
650 |
649 |
False |
30.Male_person |
One or more male persons. |
105 |
104 |
False |
31.Medical_personnel |
people who appear to belong toa medical profession, such as paramedics, first aid workers, doctors, nurses,anyone with a stethoscope, etc. |
342 |
341 |
False |
32.Men_in_women_s_clothing |
677 |
676 |
False |
33.Motorcyclist |
689 |
688 |
False |
34.Old_people |
Seniors or elderlypeople |
360 |
359 |
False |
35.People_crying |
One or more people with visible tears. |
8 |
7 |
False |
36.People_with_disabilities |
723 |
722 |
False |
37.Police/security |
929 |
42 |
False |
38.Police_private_security_personnel |
Shotsdepicting law enforcement or private security agency personnel |
229 |
228 |
False |
39.Prisoner |
Shots depicting a person imprisoned, behind bars, in jail or in handcuffs |
235 |
234 |
False |
40.Prostitute |
747 |
746 |
False |
41.Rioter |
765 |
764 |
False |
42.Single_person |
one person only isvisible |
411 |
410 |
False |
43.Soldiers |
Military personnel without visibledistinguishing rank. |
414 |
413 |
False |
44.Street_vendor |
817 |
816 |
False |
45.Sunglasses |
People wearing or holding sunglasses |
423 |
422 |
False |
46.Terrorist |
831 |
830 |
False |
47.Traffic_cop |
840 |
839 |
False |
48.Vandal |
846 |
845 |
False |
49.Whole_Person |
Shots depicting a person. The face may be partially visible |
218 |
217 |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
50.Position_BBOX |
| bbox
| bbox
| True
| True
51.PositionBar |
2D Position of the gravity center
| point
| point
| True
| True
52.Contour |
Contour of the object
| polygon
| polygon
| True
| True
53.IDPerson |
Application defined ID
| reference
| dvalue
| False
| False
54.RealHeight |
Real height of the person
| fvalue
| fvalue
| False
| False
55.PersonName* |
Name of the person
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False
56.FeetPosition |
x,y coordinates of the feet
| point
| point
| True
| True
57.HeadPosition |
x,y coordinates of the head
| point
| point
| True
| True
58.ObjectMaskFileName_CVC |
Name of the file containing the mask in cvc format
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| True
59.Position_Ellipse |
| ellipse
| obox
| False
| True
60.Position_wrtFrame |
Position of the target with respect to the current frame
Values: Inside Touching_Borders Touching_Borders_Minor Touching_Major
| lvalue
| lvalue
| False
| True
61.VisibilityDegree |
Occlusion rate
Values: 100_NotOccluded 66_SlightlyOccluded 33_HeavilyOccluded
| lvalue
| lvalue
| False
| True
2. Bodypart - legs, arms, and so on
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
62.Body_parts |
parts of a human body |
340 |
339 |
False |
63.Face |
shots depicting a face |
215 |
214 |
2 |
False |
64.Head_and_shoulder |
A view of a person showingonly the torso and head. Both the torso and head must bevisible. |
151 |
150 |
False |
65.Leg |
981 |
UoM |
False |
66.Noses |
702 |
701 |
False |
67.Trunk |
980 |
UoM |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
68.Position_BBOX |
| bbox
| bbox
| True
| True
69.PositionBar |
2D Position of the gravity center
| point
| point
| True
| True
70.Contour |
Contour of the object
| polygon
| polygon
| True
| True
71.IDPerson |
Application defined ID
| reference
| dvalue
| False
| False
72.Owner_ID |
| reference
| dvalue
| False
| False
73.Position_Ellipse |
| ellipse
| obox
| False
| True
74.FaceTilt |
Tilt Angle of the face (0:frontal - 90: lateral -180:rear)
Values: 0_front 30 60 90_side 180_rear
| lvalue
| lvalue
| False
| True
75.Side |
Side (0: Left, 1: Right)
| dvalue
| dvalue
| False
| False
3. Group_of_people - more than one person
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
76._3_or_more_people |
451 |
450 |
False |
77.Criminals |
551 |
550 |
False |
78.Crowd |
Shots depicting a crowd |
203 |
202 |
10 |
False |
79.Demonstrators |
554 |
553 |
False |
80.Firing_Squad |
588 |
587 |
False |
81.Group |
We defined a group as 3-10 people. It onlyincluded shots of 3-10 people, not animals, such as pets, nor animationedpeople, such as in previews of "The Incredibles." |
317 |
316 |
False |
82.Intruder |
Person entering a zone without permission |
1015 |
False |
83.Large_group |
649 |
648 |
False |
84.More_than_1_person |
687 |
686 |
False |
85.People |
926 |
1 |
False |
86.Protesters |
People engaged in some form of protest |
383 |
382 |
False |
87.Small_group |
793 |
792 |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
88.Position_BBOX |
| bbox
| bbox
| True
| True
89.PositionBar |
2D Position of the gravity center
| point
| point
| True
| True
90.Contour |
Contour of the object
| polygon
| polygon
| True
| True
91.IDGroup |
| reference
| dvalue
| False
| False
92.NumberOfPeople |
| dvalue
| dvalue
| False
| True
4. Fixed_object - buildings, furniture, trees, and so on
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
93.Abandoned |
Abandoned object |
1016 |
False |
94.Barge |
shots ofbarges |
252 |
251 |
False |
95.Barrier |
492 |
491 |
False |
96.bench |
990 |
UoM |
False |
97.Board |
Classroom or conference board |
1006 |
False |
98.Building |
Shots of an exterior of a building |
227 |
226 |
16 |
False |
99.Chair |
874 |
56 |
False |
100.Church |
533 |
532 |
False |
101.Dangerous |
Dangerous Object |
1013 |
False |
102.Door |
Door / entrance of a building or a room |
1003 |
UoM |
False |
103.Furniture |
TV is not furniture. Tabletop isfurniture (if it is a main part of the scene), Patio umbrella is furniture,Voting booth tables are furniture, Frames where people were sitting on a sofawere counted as containing furniture as long as the sofa was easily vis |
313 |
312 |
False |
104.House |
A freestanding single family home. |
165 |
164 |
67 |
False |
105.Monument |
685 |
684 |
False |
106.Office |
Office environment with desks, chairsand/or white-collar workers. |
86 |
85 |
33 |
False |
107.Panel |
Advertisement panels or conference poster panel |
1007 |
False |
108.Table |
944 |
52 |
False |
109.Tower |
any structure that is a tower, skyscrapersdo not count as towers |
435 |
434 |
53 |
False |
110.Waste_bin |
991 |
UoM |
False |
111.Windows |
An opening in the wall or roof of a building or vehicle fitted with glass or other transparent material. |
110 |
109 |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
112.Position_BBOX |
| bbox
| bbox
| True
| True
113.PositionBar |
2D Position of the gravity center
| point
| point
| True
| True
114.Contour |
Contour of the object
| polygon
| polygon
| True
| True
115.IDObject |
ID of who/what undergo the action/event
| reference
| dvalue
| False
| False
5. Mobile_object - moving or mobile object, like chair, pack, luggage
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
116.Abandoned |
Abandoned object |
1016 |
False |
117.Backpack |
Backpacks must visually apparent i.e.in the foreground. At least the strap must be visible. we did not include otherpacks, like handbags, fanny packs, purses etc. Only backpacks that are beingworn were counted. We included utilities backpack like leaf blo |
250 |
249 |
False |
118.Bicycle |
A person riding a bicycle. |
198 |
197 |
74 |
False |
119.Boat |
503 |
502 |
49 |
False |
120.Bomb |
506 |
505 |
False |
121.Briefcases |
shots of briefcases used for carrying papers, laptop computers or lunches) |
262 |
261 |
False |
122.Bullet |
511 |
510 |
False |
123.Bus |
Shots of a bus |
228 |
227 |
59 |
False |
124.Camera |
images on which a camera is visible |
266 |
265 |
False |
125.Car |
Shots of a car |
222 |
221 |
19 |
False |
126.Chair |
874 |
56 |
False |
127.ChangeSpeed_down |
Moving Person/Object decreasing speed |
1020 |
False |
128.ChangeSpeed_up |
Moving Person/Object increasing speed |
1019 |
False |
129.Cutter |
shots of cutters (typical in coastaltraffic) |
350 |
349 |
False |
130.Dangerous |
Dangerous Object |
1013 |
False |
131.Door |
Door / entrance of a building or a room |
1003 |
UoM |
False |
132.Emergency_vehicles |
police, fire and ambulances are the typical emergency vehicles, also included UN vehicles, but nothing military. |
300 |
299 |
False |
133.Fire weapon |
892 |
61 |
False |
134.Fire_extinguisher |
Fire extinguisher |
1008 |
False |
135.Handguns |
hand-heldguns |
318 |
317 |
False |
136.Knife |
646 |
645 |
False |
137.Machine_guns |
Machine guns include assaultrifles |
341 |
340 |
False |
138.Motor_scooter |
688 |
687 |
False |
139.Motorbike |
918 |
94 |
False |
140.Motorcycle |
motorcycles, mopeds and motorscooterinclude any two-wheeled vehicle with an engine |
348 |
347 |
False |
141.Overlayed_text |
925 |
3 |
False |
142.Shotgun |
783 |
782 |
False |
143.Smoke |
Shots with smoke present. |
162 |
161 |
38 |
False |
144.Suitcases |
819 |
818 |
False |
145.Table |
944 |
52 |
False |
146.Truck |
any kind of truck |
233 |
232 |
36 |
False |
147.Vehicle |
Any thing used for transporting people or goods, such as a car, bus, truck, cart, plane,etc. |
109 |
108 |
15 |
False |
148.Waste_bin |
991 |
UoM |
False |
149.Weapons |
Considered weapons: Spent cases, Nonaccidental explosions, Molotov cocktails. Not considered weapons: PaintballGuns/Tasers, Insecticide guns/helicopters, Exploded cars, Bullet holes, UnarmedMilitary aircrafts, Concealed weapons, Weapons not used for harm( |
446 |
445 |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
150.Position_BBOX |
| bbox
| bbox
| True
| True
151.PositionBar |
2D Position of the gravity center
| point
| point
| True
| True
152.Contour |
Contour of the object
| polygon
| polygon
| True
| True
153.ObjectMaskFileName_CVC |
Name of the file containing the mask in cvc format
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| True
154.IDObject |
ID of who/what undergo the action/event
| reference
| dvalue
| False
| False
6. Action_by_a_person - Action by a single person
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
155.Abused_child |
454 |
453 |
False |
156.Abused_woman |
455 |
454 |
False |
157.ChangeSpeed_down |
Moving Person/Object decreasing speed |
1020 |
False |
158.ChangeSpeed_up |
Moving Person/Object increasing speed |
1019 |
False |
159.Cheering |
One or more people cheering or applauding |
34 |
33 |
False |
160.Cycling |
881 |
78 |
False |
161.Drinking |
A person drinks |
995 |
UoM |
False |
162.Greeting |
Two or more people greeting each other (includes shaking hands, hugging and waving) |
35 |
34 |
False |
163.Guarding |
611 |
610 |
False |
164.Intrusion |
Action of a person entering a zone without permission |
1014 |
False |
165.Jumping |
A person jumps |
997 |
UoM |
False |
166.Oscillating |
A person oscillates back and forth |
999 |
UoM |
False |
167.Person_enters_a_bilding |
Person enters a buiding through a door or a gate |
1004 |
UoM |
False |
168.Person_enters_area |
967 |
UniFi A.1 |
False |
169.Person_enters_object |
966 |
UniFi A |
False |
170.Person_exits_a_building |
Person leaving a buiding through a door or a gate |
1005 |
UoM |
False |
171.Person_exits_area |
969 |
UniFi A.3 |
False |
172.Person_exits_object |
968 |
UniFi A.2 |
False |
173.Person_falls_down |
983 |
UoM |
False |
174.Person_firing_weapon |
979 |
UniFi E |
False |
175.Person_interacts_object |
970 |
UniFi B |
False |
176.Person_leaves_object |
972 |
UniFi B.2 |
False |
177.Person_takes_object |
971 |
UniFi B.1 |
False |
178.Raising_up_an_arm |
A person raises up his/her arm |
998 |
UoM |
False |
179.Running |
One or more people running. |
4 |
3 |
False |
180.Shooting |
A person shooting agun |
37 |
36 |
False |
181.Sitting |
One or more people sitting down. |
107 |
106 |
False |
182.Standing |
One or more people standing up. |
108 |
107 |
False |
183.Start_To_Run |
Person starting to run |
1017 |
False |
184.Stop_To_Run |
Person stopping to run |
1018 |
False |
185.Taking_off_part_of_his/her_clothes |
A person takes off one piece of his/her clothes |
994 |
UoM |
False |
186.Talking |
One or more people engaged in discourse |
28 |
27 |
False |
187.Throwing |
A person throwing someobject |
36 |
35 |
False |
188.Tying_shoe_laces |
A person crouching to tie the shoe laces |
993 |
UoM |
False |
189.Walking |
One or more people walking. |
13 |
12 |
False |
190.Walking_or_running |
Shots showing one or more people walking or running (TRECVID definition) |
206 |
205 |
False |
191.Wearing_glasses |
A person wears the glasses |
996 |
UoM |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
192.IDPerson |
Application defined ID
| reference
| dvalue
| False
| False
193.Description |
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False
194.IDObject |
ID of who/what undergo the action/event
| reference
| dvalue
| False
| False
195.ActionDescription |
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False
7. Action_by_group_of_people - action by a group of people, like meeting
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
196.ChangeSpeed_down |
Moving Person/Object decreasing speed |
1020 |
False |
197.ChangeSpeed_up |
Moving Person/Object increasing speed |
1019 |
False |
198.Crowd_dispersal |
974 |
UniFi C.2 |
False |
199.Crowd_formation |
973 |
UniFi C.1 |
False |
200.Fight |
People fighting |
1009 |
False |
201.Handshaking |
Two people shaking hands. Does not include hugging or holding hands. |
3 |
2 |
False |
202.Hug |
Hugs between 2 or more people |
1010 |
False |
203.Intrusion |
Action of a person entering a zone without permission |
1014 |
False |
204.Meeting |
Scenes of meeetings. We did not considerspeeches/talks to be a meeting. We did not consider anchor meeting with expertsto be a meeting. |
221 |
220 |
20 |
False |
205.Mutual_occlusion |
People occluding each other |
1000 |
UoM |
False |
206.People_aggregation |
984 |
UoM |
False |
207.People_marching |
Shots showing one or more people marching (TRECVID definition) |
216 |
215 |
False |
208.People_walking |
928 |
8 |
False |
209.Quarrel |
1011 |
False |
210.Start_To_Run |
Person starting to run |
1017 |
False |
211.Stop_To_Run |
Person stopping to run |
1018 |
False |
212.Walking_or_running |
Shots showing one or more people walking or running (TRECVID definition) |
206 |
205 |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
213.Description |
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False
214.ActionDescription |
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False
215.IDGroup |
| reference
| dvalue
| False
| False
8. Object_event - events related to objects, like AbandonedObject
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
216.Car_Accident |
978 |
UniFi D.4 |
False |
217.Car_runs_red_light |
977 |
UniFi D.3 |
False |
218.Car_starts |
976 |
UniFi D.2 |
False |
219.Car_stops |
975 |
UniFi D.1 |
False |
220.Exiting_car |
A car exiting from somewhere, such as a highway, building, or parking lot. |
2 |
1 |
False |
221.Smoke |
Shots with smoke present. |
162 |
161 |
38 |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
222.IDObject |
ID of who/what undergo the action/event
| reference
| dvalue
| False
| False
9. Generic_event - generic events, like fire
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
223.Accident |
456 |
455 |
False |
224.Bomber_bombing |
An airborne bomber dropping bombson some target |
39 |
38 |
False |
225.Car_crash |
One or more cars which have had collisions with other cars or stationary objects |
30 |
29 |
False |
226.Car_Racing |
shot of scenes at carraces |
269 |
268 |
False |
227.Earthquake |
Wreckage from an Earthquake. |
6 |
5 |
False |
228.Explosion |
889 |
57 |
False |
229.Explosion_fire |
Shots of an explosion or a fire |
204 |
203 |
False |
230.Violence |
954 |
13 |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
231.Description |
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False
232.EventDescription |
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False
10. Location - everithing describing the video location
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
233.Airport |
Exterior shots of an airport, showingone or more buildings (such as the air traffic control tower or the terminals). |
41 |
40 |
False |
234.Airport_terminal |
Interior shots of airport terminals, including ticket counters, waiting areas, and security checkpoints. |
95 |
94 |
False |
235.Alley |
Small, narrow passage way between two buildings. |
155 |
154 |
False |
236.Amusement_park |
Shots of an amusement park. |
171 |
170 |
False |
237.Apartments |
indvidual apartments and condminiums,including buildings with balconies |
243 |
242 |
False |
238.Bank |
Interior shots of a bank. |
174 |
173; 487 |
False |
239.Bar_Pub |
Interior shots of a bar or pub. |
159 |
158 |
False |
240.Barge |
shots ofbarges |
252 |
251 |
False |
241.Battlefield |
496 |
495 |
False |
242.Boardwalk |
502 |
501 |
False |
243.Bridges |
a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle. label as positive any shots that containa structure containing a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle and as negative those shots that do not contain such a sturcture. |
261 |
260 |
False |
244.Building |
Shots of an exterior of a building |
227 |
226 |
16 |
False |
245.Bus_terminal |
513 |
512 |
False |
246.Celebration_or_party |
One or more people celebrating or partying |
40 |
39 |
False |
247.Ceremony |
527 |
526; 527 |
False |
248.Church |
533 |
532 |
False |
249.Court |
Shots of the interior of a court-room location |
214 |
213 |
75 |
False |
250.Demonstration_or_protest |
One or more people protesting. May or may not have banners or signs. |
7 |
6 |
False |
251.Garden |
599 |
598 |
False |
252.Gas_Station |
Exterior shots of a gasstation. |
47 |
46 |
False |
253.Grass |
904 |
44 |
False |
254.Grassland |
Open plains and fields. |
164 |
163 |
False |
255.Hall |
Hall of a building |
1002 |
UoM |
False |
256.High_security_facility |
Any facility that is highly guarded, requiring security checkpoints or clearance forentry. |
123 |
122 |
False |
257.Highway |
A major road with many lanes. |
74 |
73 |
False |
258.Hotel |
Exterior shots of a hotel. |
52 |
51 |
False |
259.House |
A freestanding single family home. |
165 |
164 |
67 |
False |
260.Indoor |
911 |
6 |
False |
261.Laboratory |
Laboratory environment where researchers may conduct experiments. |
85 |
84 |
False |
262.Library |
Interior shots of alibrary. |
161 |
160; 653 |
False |
263.Meadows |
671 |
670 |
False |
264.Meeting_setting |
674 |
673 |
False |
265.Monument |
685 |
684 |
False |
266.Museum |
693 |
692 |
False |
267.Office |
Office environment with desks, chairsand/or white-collar workers. |
86 |
85 |
33 |
False |
268.Office_building |
buildings whose primary purposeif to house offices |
358 |
357 |
False |
269.Outdoor |
Shots of Outdoor locations |
225 |
224 |
4 |
False |
270.Parade |
Multiple units of marchers, devices, bands, banners or Music. |
1 |
0 |
False |
271.Parking_Lot |
Outdoor area for parkingcars. |
90 |
89 |
False |
272.Pedestrian_zone |
shots of pedestrian zones andwalkways for people only |
309 |
308 |
False |
273.Picnic_area |
727 |
726 |
False |
274.Restaurant |
763 |
762 |
False |
275.Riot |
Many people engaging in violence or mayhem in city streets |
21 |
20 |
False |
276.Road |
Shots depicting a road |
207 |
206 |
14 |
False |
277.Room |
room of a house (anything indoors, wherethere is a room in a house, but not an office orfactory |
399 |
398 |
False |
278.School |
Exterior shots of a school. (For children, Not a college or a university). |
57 |
56 |
False |
279.Security_checkpoint |
Any security checkpoint.Includes military checkpoints and airport security. |
148 |
147 |
False |
280.Shopping_mall |
Exterior shots of a shopping mall. |
58 |
57 |
False |
281.Sidewalks |
images of sidewalks or walkways.Included are Paved plazas, Crosswalks. Excluded are Roads, Parking Lots, Docks,Anything indoors, Helipads/Airports, Medians in roads, Stairs toHouses |
443 |
442 |
False |
282.Sky |
Shots depicting sky |
208 |
207 |
11 |
False |
283.Stadium |
Exterior shots of a stadium (baseball/footbal stadiums and basketball/hockey arenas. Domed or openair). |
59 |
58 |
False |
284.Streets |
regular paved streets (not highways,dirt roads, or special types of road) |
419 |
418 |
False |
285.Subway_station |
Interior views of a subway station. |
103 |
102 |
False |
286.Supermarket |
Exterior shots of a supermarket. |
60 |
59 |
False |
287.Tower |
any structure that is a tower, skyscrapersdo not count as towers |
435 |
434 |
53 |
False |
288.Town_Squares |
837 |
836 |
False |
289.Traffic |
shots that show roads with traffic |
395 |
394 |
False |
290.Train_station |
841 |
840 |
False |
291.Trees |
Shots where trees arevisible |
436 |
435 |
50 |
False |
292.Tunnel |
Views of the inside of a tunnel. May be a tunnel for cars, trains, sewage, or anything else. |
82 |
81 |
False |
293.University |
University campus |
1001 |
UoM |
False |
294.Urban_park |
A public park in a city, such as Central Park. |
102 |
101 |
False |
295.Urban_scenes |
scenes taking place in a city setting |
209 |
208 |
9 |
False |
296.Vegetation |
Shots depicting natural or artificial greenery, vegetation woods, etc |
236 |
235 |
23 |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
11. Animals - cats, dogs, and so on
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
297.Animal |
(No humans): Shots depicting an animal |
211 |
210; 201 |
39 |
False |
298.Bird |
867 |
79 |
False |
299.Cats |
shots of cats, does not include tigers,leopards, jaguars |
271 |
270 |
False |
300.Dogs |
shots of dogs, does not include wolves or foxes |
293 |
292 |
82 |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
301.Position_BBOX |
| bbox
| bbox
| True
| True
302.PositionBar |
2D Position of the gravity center
| point
| point
| True
| True
303.Contour |
Contour of the object
| polygon
| polygon
| True
| True
304.Description |
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False
305.Position_Ellipse |
| ellipse
| obox
| False
| True
12. Weather - sun, cloud, rain…
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
306.Clouds |
Scenes where clouds are visible |
277 |
276 |
45 |
False |
307.Daytime_outdoor |
shots that take place outdoors during the day. Included are images from space (light side of Earth). If it is a continuation of a story where the image is ambiguous (if a story starts in the day, it probably ends in daytime) |
291 |
290 |
False |
308.Rainy |
Rainy Scenes includes slick roads, andrain on windows |
388 |
387 |
False |
309.Snow |
Snow falling or already accumulated on the ground |
25 |
24 |
False |
310.Sunny |
Sunny Scenes may also be inside. In general, if it would be uncomfortable to look towards the sun, it is a sunnyscene. |
424 |
423 |
False |
311.Windy |
Scenes showing windyweather |
448 |
447 |
False |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
13. Shot - shot detection
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
312.FrameStart |
| dvalue
| dvalue
| False
| False
313.FrameEnd |
| dvalue
| dvalue
| False
| False
14. Transition - transition type, like cut, fade, dissolve
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
314.Pre |
| dvalue
| dvalue
| False
| False
315.Post |
| dvalue
| dvalue
| False
| False
316.TransitionType |
Values: Cut Dissolve Fade
| lvalue
| lvalue
| False
| False
15. Clip - clip segmentation
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
317.FrameStart |
| dvalue
| dvalue
| False
| False
318.FrameEnd |
| dvalue
| dvalue
| False
| False
319.Description |
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False
16. VideoInfo - global video information
Static concepts (Is-a)
Concept | Definition | ID ViSOR | ID LSCOMM | ID MediaMill | ID UniFi | Note | Dyn |
Dynamic concepts (Has-a)
Concept | Description | DataType | ViperDataType | Extended | Dyn |
320.Description |
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False
321.CalibrationData |
| svalue
| svalue
| False
| False