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On the usefulness of object shape coding with MPEG-4

Abstract: This paper reports the results of an in-depth analysis ofthe degree of usefulness of object shape coding in videocompression. In particular, MPEG-4 is used as referencestandard. The influence of different coding parameters onthe performance is deeply examined and discussions on theresults are provided. Object shape coding is compared withclassical (MPEG-2) frame-based coding both at an objectivelevel (by comparing PSNR/quality and bitrate/filesize)and at a subjective level (asking to a set of users to expresstheir opinion on overall quality, cognitive effectiveness, andwillingness to pay). In conclusion, this paper aims at answering to the question whether it is convenient to use object shape coding instead of frame-based coding or not.


Prati, Andrea; Cucchiara, Rita "On the usefulness of object shape coding with MPEG-4" Proceedings of ISM 2005, vol. 2005, Irvine, CA, USA, pp. 483 -490 , 12-14 December 2005, 2005 DOI: 10.1109/ISM.2005.87

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