Workshop on VIdeo Surveillance projects in ITaly
VISIT2011 Chair: Alfredo Petrosino
CVPRlab - University of Naples Pathenopee-mail:
The Workshop on VIdeo Surveillance projects in ITaly (VISIT2011) is meant to promote the scientific research in Italy in the field of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition for security and video surveillance.
VISIT2011 has two main objectives:
- the scientific discussion between researchers that increasingly are addressing the research of innovative solutions for next generations of video surveillance systems;
- the diffusion of Italian and international projects to the civil society, the public entities, the private companies and the local and national press in order to demonstrate that the research in Italy on these topics is really competitive and can provide a valid contribution in the field of security in private and public places.
All the potential interested people are invited to participate and to contribute their experience on Video Surveillance projects.
Workshop program
16:20-16:40 | SAMURAI - Small Area 24-hours Monitoring Using a netwoRk of cAmeras & sensors for sItuation awareness enhancement (Marco Cristani, Vittorio Murino) |
16:40-17:00 | Designing Video Surveillance Systems as Services (Rita Cucchiara, Andrea Prati, Roberto Vezzani) |
17:00-17:20 | The SmarTrack Project at FBK: Past and Ongoing Efforts on People Tracking for Surveillance and Monitoring (Oswald Lanz, Stefano Messelodi) |
17:20-17:40 | Bridging neural visual information processing and video surveillance (Lucia Maddalena, Alfredo Petrosino) |
17:40-18:00 | A Multi-Modal self-reconfigurable surveillance system (Christian Micheloni, Claudio Piciarelli, Antonio Roda, GianLuca Foresti) |
18:00-18:20 | 3D Multiple target tracking in wide area using a PTZ camera (Alberto del Bimbo, Giuseppe Lisanti, Iacopo Masi, Federico Pernici) |
18:20-18:40 | Low and mid-level video analysis for advanced surveillance application (Federico Tombari, Alessandro Lanza, Samuele Salti, Luigi Di Stefano) |